INSPIRED [Initiative for Sustained Peaceful Inter-ethnic Relations through Economic Development]

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Districts of Operation Ampara
DS Divisions Addalaichenai , Karaitivu & Pothuvil
Implementing Partner GAFSO (Group Action for Social Order)
Funded by The Asia Foundation
Period/Date Commenced/Completed Date Commenced Complete
01.06.2018 ongoing
Number of beneficiaries Direct Beneficiaries – 120 Business Community.
Number of Officers engaged 05

  1. Promote cordial environment among inter-ethnic group by promoting an evidence base on inter-ethnic social capital and business environments in project sites. By doing this we track changes in attitudes and behaviors.
  2. Transform attitudes within ethnic groups through intra-group dialogues.
  3. Transform behavior and practices among ethnic groups through inter-group dialogues that support inter-ethnic cooperation on economic initiatives.
  4. Promote institutionalization and national replication of Eastern Province models of inter-ethnic collaboration in the business sector through policy change and advocacy.
  5. Work with local governments to facilitate business community needs by having PPD
  6. Providing Seed grants to develop business.

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